Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dad got engaged!

After two years of dating my Dad and Jodie got engaged! They took a trip to the Bahamas together and while they were there he popped the questions! We are so excited for them and welcome Jodie with open arms into the family. Love you guys!

1st Anniversary

Michael and I celebrated our first anniversary on May 8. Due to the fact that it was Mother's day weekend we both had to work. We ended up getting a couples message and a lovely dinner out. I really thought that a couples message would be so romantic and just what we needed to relax a little. I was so wrong! It was Michael's first time getting a message. He was a bit nervous but I insisted that he would love it! We got into the room and got comfy. The ladies must have thought I was crazy because as soon as the messages started I couldn't help but smile and hold in my laughing. I just kept thinking of what Michael was thinking. He's a bit of a baby when it comes to messages. If someone could scratch his back for an hour he'd be happy. In his pre interview he told her that he didn't want anything rough. But this lady went at it. She was cracking his neck, basically drumming on his back and digging into his skin. My message was incredible but I couldn't fully enjoy listening to Michael in pain. Needless to say it was not romantic but we left laughing about it. Afterwards we grabbed a quick bit and went home to eat our wedding cake and watch a move together. The next day on our real anniversary Michael had to work so we got all dressed up that night and went to a really nice dinner. The best part about being married is being with my best friend all the time. Michael brings so much joy and happiness into my life. He makes me a better person and I can't imagine my life without him. Everyone told us that the fist year of marriage is the hardest, if that is true then I have an amazing life ahead of me. I love you Michael :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our greatest purchase yet!

Michael has been bugging me like crazy to buy the new iPad. But he wanted to wait till the stores had them available but it's been taking forever to get them in. Meanwhile I noticed on the computer that he was looking at an iMac. We were sitting on the couch on our day off and I brought up that I had noticed that he had been looking at one and I asked him if he wanted to go buy one. It was a joke at first but sure enough we were at the store 30 minutes later. It was such an impulse buy but it was so fun and we LOVE it! I like to say that I'm the best wife ever. ;).....He still bugs me for the iPad though lol


Now that I've been at The Sweet Tooth Fairy for a year now I've picked up some great skills! I'm having so much fun with my job. Here are just a few fun cakes and cupcakes I've done ;) I have also moved back to our Draper location to be the General Manager now. I am loving it!
This was for my friend Danica's graduation and birthday combined!

For a friends bachelorette party
Double Fudge
This lady wanted cats on her cake.. Weirdo
Strawberry Shortcake
This was for eBay. I had to make 1250 cupcakes and deliver them 6 different days!

Jorgenson Wedding!

Our good friends Nate and Sarah got married April 15. Michael was asked to be one of the groomsmen. The wedding was on a Friday in Las Vegas. The Sealing was done by Nate's Grandpa and it was so beautiful. Sarah is part Hawaiian so the wedding theme was Hawaiian of course. The wedding party was really big and almost everyone were friends so we continued the party after the bride and groom left and headed down to the strip. ALL 15 of us! We were all exhausted from being at a wedding all day but wanted to have fun. Since none of us drink or gamble we ended just walking around with no plan! We stayed till about midnight and Michael and I decided we were to pooped to be out and were the first ones to leave. (were old already!) Nate and Sarah were actually having the second reception in Provo the next night so we had to get up super early to get on the road. We had our really good friend Carson drive with us back up to Provo and had so much fun with him!

We caught him sleeping...
And peeing on the side of the road ;)

Family Visit's

My Aunt Karene and her kids came up to Utah for a week for their spring break. Her and a few of my cousin's who were also in town went to dinner and the mall. Later that week I met up with Karene and her kids to go to Pizza Planet for all you can eat pizza and arcade games. It was really fun playing with Jandi and Beckham and so good to spend some time with Karene.

Michael's Birthday!

For Michael's birthday we decided to head down to California. He was turning 25 so we decided we would rent a car for the first time. Teanna and Ari came with us. Michael and I love road trips and it was fun to have T come with us. We went to Disneyland with my sister's and my Dad. My Dad is officially getting old and could only make it 4 hours at Disneyland before he complained about his poor feet and decided to go home! We stayed till about 10pm and watched the world of colors water show and then we were pooped ourselves. We were also able to see Lexi's play Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. She did such a good job as a reporter and a candy dancer. She did better than I could have with her lines and looked so dang cute. Before her play were went to dinner with my 92 year old Great Grandma LoRene. It is always so good to see her. Her memory is impeccable and it is always fun to listen to all her stories about my Dad :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mom's here!

My Mom came into town to help Teanna move to Provo. I love when she comes into town, probably cause she is away from work, her husband and the kids and I get her all to myself :)Visiting my work. She can never resist a treat.
Kara and Rob were having the baby blessing that same weekend. He was a bit early and is just he tinniest thing. But he is very healthy and such a sweet baby.
My Grandpa Harlan moved to Utah right around the same time. He found these hat's at Walmart and thought they were such a good deal so he bought them for all the little boys. The boys thought they looked like "gangstas" so I told them to pose like one. I guess this is what a "gangsta" looks like.

New Years in Beaver

Michael's family has a tradition of doing Christmas about a week or to late. Almost everyone in the family is in retail and has such a hard time taking time off around the holiday so we always celebrate after. This year we met half way from Michael's Mom who lives in Las Vegas. Michael's Mom and Lee have a vacation house in Beaver. We did what us Burrup's do best and relaxed in our pj's and ate food and laughed our butts off!
They have a 4 wheeler they keep there and they tied a rope to an inter tube to it to drag around in the snow. We got a little creative and put a lawn chair cover on it so our bums didn't get wet and for comfort of course.

My sister-in-law Michelle announced she was pregnant by making this T-shirt for her daughter Stella to wear. It took everyone about an hour to even notice the shirt. We are so excited for her and can't wait to meet baby Ethan Anderton!
Stella is always the center of attention :)